3 Checkpoints in Creating a Slogan

BusinessWeek is running an interesting article, presenting three checkpoints in creating a slogan:

Try to create complementary relationships between your business [tag]name[/tag], its [tag]slogan[/tag], and other communications devices, such as the Web address. Avoid redundant messages. In other words, don’t pick a slogan that simply reiterates your company name. It should enhance and complement that primary statement about your company and provide would-be customers with new, positive information about you.

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A Brand Comeback

There is an interesting article on Influx pointing out six key learning points behind the Lacoste brand comeback.

Lacoste has coming roaring back from obscurity to become one of the hottest sports/apparel brands around. The company’s US sales grew in the US of 1000% in 5 years. Not bad for a brand that was once languishing under General Mills’s ownership.

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Trends in Loyalty Marketing

Brand loyalty will diminish as the defining metric of success. Marketing strategies will become more varied.

Brand loyalty reduces customer loss, which improves business growth. You are not replacing lost customers to stay at the same sales volume. Customers must have a favorable attitude toward the product to develop loyalty.

Looking at the future of [tag]loyalty[/tag]-[tag]marketing[/tag] [tag]innovation[/tag], three major trends will emerge.
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8 Important Attributes of a Branded Organisation

Building a brand requires real understanding, knowledge, talent, correct creative skills, resources, and, of course, time.

Some businessmen think the product is the brand. Even a company itself is a brand they cannot recognize. The goodwill, image of the company can create an impact on the whole products or brand which they may not realize. They perhaps get to some understanding; when it has got some market hiccup, but before that they hardly bother. After experiencing any downside it is difficult to repair. Business people still do not understand that it is a matter of experience.

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Naming Don’ts

Michael Kanellos, editor at large at CNET News.com, has an interesting article providing some advices for nowadays business naming, that even if is focused on tech companies, is still useful for businesses at large:

In any event, for you start-up execs, here’s a handy guideline for how not to name your company:

1. Avoid redundancies. This was a lesson lost on Internet Gold-Golden Lines of Petach Tiva, Israel.

2. Don’t sound like you may have a criminal or shady past. This one’s for you, DepoMed. It sounds like you’re going to sell vitamins out of the trunk of your car, not like you’re a developer of advanced medical technology for gastric conditions.

3. Don’t be lurid. Hello, XenoPort, NuVasive, and WiderThan. If you can spare the money, hire a focus group of 13-year-old boys to give you their reactions to all name suggestions.

4. Triple words are out. Yes, that’s you, VendareNetblue. It didn’t help PriceWaterhouseCooper. Even the Germans try to limit the combining of words to two.

5. Don’t sound desperate or obvious. Good Technology. KnowFat. Though, sometimes it works. Hurray Holding: Enthusiasm makes up for a lot.


Landor’s 2006 Breakaway Brands

For the second consecutive year, [tag]Landor[/tag] Associates is proud to announce the exclusive publication of its [tag]Breakaway Brands[/tag] Study in FORTUNE magazine’s September 18th issue, now available on newsstands and at www.fortune.com.

The study identifies the ten brands in the United States that have made the greatest percentage gains in business value as a result of superb brand strategy and execution over the three-year period, from 2002-2005:

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Building Customer Loyalty Through Branding

Why is brand loyalty so important? For the business owner, it is easier to keep existing customers than to search out new customers. Advertising and marketing to new customers is four to six times more expensive than the cost of marketing to your existing customers. A brand-loyal customer is less sensitive to and less likely to stray to a competitor’s promotions.

Brand loyalty reduces customer loss, which improves business growth. You are not replacing lost customers to stay at the same sales volume. Customers must have a favorable attitude toward the product to develop loyalty.

Work on influencing the customer’s attitude. Be sure the customer gets what they want from the product. Create incentives for customers to repeat purchase though frequent buyer programs, gifts, give-aways or other creative means. Stand behind your product. If you don’t, they won’t. Know who your good customers are. Treat those customers well. Remember that once a customer always a customer is not a foregone conclusion.
