Infuse the Brand Into Consumer Culture

From Fortune 500 companies to government agencies, branding can be poorly executed and frightfully expensive.

[Re]-branding doesn’t mean recycling with new slogans and logos, it means a comprehensive do over. And establishing a brand is only the beginning, as advertising, marketing and public relations follow with even bigger budgets to extend the brand and infuse it into consumer culture.

For those who do it right, the rewards are often off the scale.

Miami agency Crispin Porter + Bogusky, featured on the cover of BusinessWeek as “The Craziest Ad Guys in America,” are reeling it in for Virgin Atlantic Airways and Burger King with fanciful branded content that doesn’t follow traditional lines or overly committed media buys that suck up a year’s budget in no time.

In their own words, the CP+G boys “try to make the brand part of the pop culture,” relevant and very now.

That means going out into non-traditional routes like where anyone, including ad agencies, can load video content and start a global conversation quickly. The content here is both bizarre and entertaining, with page views, comments and favorites recorded.

The firm has used eBay exclusively to sell brand toys and to push alter brand egos.

VW sales overall are up 20 percent, Virgin sales are up $50 million, and Burger King posted its first positive quarter earnings in a decade, according to the magazine.

And selling is what it’s really all about.

via. Full BW article here.

Tag: branding

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